Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Interactivity #3

After collaboratively creating an inventory of technologies and programs used in art education, I’ve noticed that a few technologies help aid students find and edit references, scanning their work to computers, cameras to document their work and also do editing on the computer. There are also many programs such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Sketchbook Pro for the Apple iPad that are probably some of the top programs used by artists and students all over. In high school, I took a class that was specifically used to teach us all about Photoshop and Flash. It was a computer art class and even though I didn’t become a Photoshop expert, I learned a lot of techniques within the program that I still use when editing references or creating original artworks. I think the only reason I have trouble thinking of the technologies in art classrooms is because in my high school we didn’t have on campus access to these all the time.  I was surprised to see the final list on the Spreadsheet that my group created and has helped me realize some of the influences that these play in art classrooms and college art classes daily.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Technology in Fine Arts?

I get so frustrated with having to think of ways to integrate technology into art & art education. Besides graphic design, I don't see technology being a major role in fine arts. When I think of art, I think of self-expression and being focused on painting and drawing what is in your mind. Technology doesn't seem important to me when it comes to fine arts. Besides computer programs such as Photoshop or Illustrator, can you think back to a time in your art classes where technology played an important role?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Interactivity #2

Projectors & Art history slides have helped art teachers & students analyze historical art on a larger scale.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

"Put Your Phone Down" Video. It's pretty corny, but i agree with it.!

While writing my post for last week's interactivity, I found it hard to think of the positive sides of technology. I know it makes things in life a lot more convenient, but that doesn't make it better, especially smartphones. Computers are one thing, and they are usually left at home, people don't bring there laptops everywhere they go, but most people can't even leave the house without their phones.  One thing I thought of lately was that it's funny how facebook and twitter are considered "Social Networks" when really, I feel that they are not social at all.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Interactivity #1

1. 3 technologies..

2. After watching both videos, I realize that those of us who have our own personal cellphones and laptops, or at least constant access to one take them for granted sometimes. We are lucky to have laptops and resources on the internet all day every day. We use computers to read, write, and even learn new things every day and many other people in this country aren't as lucky. We are so fortunate to be able to open our Macbooks and laptops at any time during the day, and we have the access to so much valuable knowledge on the internet, and yet most of us are too busy updating our facebook statuses and posting blogs and comments on twitter.  It's the people that don't have constant access that probably learn the most from the internet because they want to take advantage of any time they actually get to use the internet.  As for cellphones, I must say, I am probably the only one out of most of my friends that doesn't have internet on my phone. I just use my cellphone for texting, calling, and to have the time at any point I want to know the time. But nowadays, people don't even need to think for themselves because they can just pull out their cellphones at the dinner table and Google something within seconds and find the answer. I think we are lucky to have internet resources at our fingertips for educational purposes and even a fair amount of entertainment, but some people just use technology too much and it has clearly become an addiction. Some people don't know when to back away from the technology and enjoy the people around them, the family they are with, and the simple things. But that is a fine line that people should recognize in order to understand the real purpose of technology, which I believe is to expand our knowledge.
Compared to the students in the videos, I don't use each of those technologies as much as them, nor for the same purpose. It seems like making websites is a common thing for students to do, but webpage design is not something I find interesting. However I use the internet to keep in touch socially who I can't always see everyday, and I use it to surf the web, using sites such as Stumbleupon and find new things each day. I enjoy learning new things and interesting facts, it makes for more interesting conversation rather than discussing which celebrity recently tweeted about being wasted at a club. I use my laptop for entertainment as well, using sites such as youtube and then passing along videos to my friends and family.  People everywhere, in different states and communities all use internet and technology resources for different reasons depending on whether they have access to it or not and depending on what interests them. There is something on the internet for EVERYONE, it's just a matter if someone has access and appreciates the resources and tools in front of them.